So, let me explain what PCS does to my daily life.

PCS (Post-concussion syndrome) makes my life different, not neccissarily tougher, even though I have had some rough patches. PCS means I can't do everything I want to do. And if I really want to do something that's going to be a trigger, I have a lot of factors I need to pay attention to. How am I doing at school? Do I have an important event coming up that I HAVE to attend? 


Getting too many triggers gets me ill. Certain things like travelling all day, or big crowds of people, long days at school, stress, or clubs are pretty good examples. When I get ill I basically just get headaches. And these can go from bad to really bad. I had a day in which I could not properly go down the stairs and fell. On really bad days I have a hard time seeing, focussing and even getting up. Luckly I don't have many of those days anymore. 


I am doing very well at the moment. I can go to movie theaters again and I event went to a musicfestival back in september. Things I'm working on is going on trips, especially holidays, clubs, crowds of people and especially stress.


One does not know how many stress one has until one gets ill everytime stress occures, haha. 


Anyway, if I get ill, the best thing I can do is take my rest. I don't really like that, because I end up getting restless. Which is why I started this blog in the first place. Things I often do aswell is stuff that makes me happy, like listening to some music, doing some photography, watching an interesting documentary or going to see my horse. 


Depending on how intense my triggers were, my recovery usually takes about two days to a week. Within this time school is usually a struggle, since public transport is a struggle, so most of the time I end up doing some of my projects at home, which is also very useful. I don't really see my time wasted. 


If there are any more questions, feel free to contact me on my email! 

